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Let’s make some brownie bites, shall we? And while we’re at it, let’s make them refined sugar free, high protein and healthy. Don’t believe us? Here are the ingredients: 

  • Muscle Cheff Dark and Milk Choco Squares 
  • 3-4 tablespoons of medjool spread 
  • 2 tablespoons of cocoa 
  • A tablespoon of Muscle Cheff Hazelnut & Cocoa Protein Spread 
  • Muscle Cheff Salted Caramel Protein Spread 

The unrefined sugar in medjools release energy slowly and helps you sustain your energy levels during long workouts. With Muscle Cheff’s sugar free snacks in addition to it, you can have your pre-workout chocolate fix with %100 satisfaction and no guilt! Bon appetit! 

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