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If you like refreshing desserts, our gluten-free Chocolate Melon Popsicles recipe made with Muscle Cheff Dark Chocolate is just for you! Here are the ingredients;

  • A melon
  • 1 bar of Muscle Cheff Dark Chocolate
  • Popsicle sticks or wooden skewers

First, cut the melon in half, remove the seeds, and cut it into cubes of the desired size. Insert ice cream sticks or wooden skewers into the melon cubes. Melt the Muscle Cheff Dark Chocolate in the microwave or in a double boiler, and cover the melon cubes with the melted chocolate. Then, place the melons on baking paper to prevent them from sticking, place them in your refrigerator and wait until the chocolate hardens and the melons cool down. Yes, it’s that simple! You can also try this recipe with different fruits and support your daily protein intake with the 8 grams of protein content of Muscle Cheff Dark Chocolate. Not to mention that it does not contain added sugar, GMO or palm oil!

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