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Introducing our healthy and high-protein salad recipe, perfect for a low-calorie and nutritious meal! This delightful blend of freshness and flavors makes it an excellent choice for a satisfying lunch or a light dinner. Here are the ingredients: 

  • Muscle Cheff BBQ Protein Chips 
  • Orzo 
  • Whole corn kernels 
  • Pickles 
  • Yogurt 

In a large bowl, mix cooked orzo, whole corn kernels, and finely diced pickles. Add yogurt to the bowl and thoroughly mix the ingredients until they are well combined. Yogurt serves as a healthy and light dressing for this salad. Sprinkle crushed Muscle Cheff BBQ Flavored Protein Chips on top of the salad and enjoy the taste of your protein-rich meal! 

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